
Michela Corradini


Hi, my name is Michela and I’m a fourth year maths PhD student in the Statistics group, funded by EPSRC. My research lies in extreme value theory, a branch of statistics which seeks to assess the probability of extreme events, which are typically rare and can have a big impact on infrastructure and society. In particular, I’m focusing on translating established kernel-based methods to an extremes framework in order to assess extremal dependence in high-dimensional extremes. In my spare time, I’m a keen swimmer and an avid reader.

Matthew Howells

Vice President

Hi, I’m Matthew and I am a 3rd year Mathematics PhD student in the Operational Research group at Cardiff University. My project is jointly funded by the EPSRC and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Currently I’m working on a hybrid simulation model for the T&O department at the health board, that captures the dynamics between population health and patient flow in the department. Doing so seeks to help reduce the pressure the service’s elective care pathway is under. In my spare time, I can be found reading, gaming, or listening to Taylor Swift.

Aric Fowler


I am a second year part-time PhD student in COMSC doing research into entertainment value and combinatorial optimisation, specifically looking at how vote reveal orders can be optimised for entertainment (in other words, I watch Eurovision and complain about the votes). I am particularly interested in operational research and multi-objective optimisation. I like to play pool and poker (I’m usually up for a game at PGR game nights and pub trips) and also do bouldering and mountain biking in my free time.

Prachi Sahjwani


I’m a third-year PhD student in the School of Mathematics, where I’m part of the analysis research group. My research focuses on geometric analysis, particularly the stability of various geometric inequalities. I use tools like geometric flows and PDE theory to understand problems in stability. Outside of my academic life, I enjoy spending time outdoors, exploring the beautiful UK landscapes on hikes, and taking walks around the city. In my free time, I like to hang out with friends, hosting game nights, and I have a growing collection of plants that I care for.

Jack Furby


Hello, I’m the webmaster for the years 2023 to 2024 and am currently in the fourth year of my PhD in the School of Computer Science. My research is focused on how successful teams of humans and Deep Neural network-based agents are formed and maintained. This is currently looking at allowing a human to better “trust” the machine, with a focus on explainable AI. When I am not in the office I also volunteer as a Scout leader, bake, and play more pool than I would like to admit.

Anastasiia Kovtun

Equality Officer

Hey, I’m a 1st year PhD student in the School of Mathematics and I am a part of the Statistics research group. My work focuses on stochastic processes, their properties, and applications. I am also passionate about teaching math. Beyond the academic realm, I volunteer for a charity, read books, love hiking, traveling, and reading toxic tweets.


Welsh Communications Officer

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3MT Competition
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