Time and date: 31 May 2023 at 2:00 pm | Location: Abacws 1.04 | Speaker: Josh Moore and Timothy Ostler
Writing a talk is an experience common to all PhD students. It’s easy to sink hours into making the perfect slides, optimising the script and practising until you can rehearse it in your sleep, but is there a better way? A great minimalist philosopher once said `the more that you say, the less I know’ [1], leading us to consider an alternative, more simple strategy, showcased in this talk.
As if volunteering to give an additional talk wasn’t suffering enough, Josh and Tim have decided to add additional constraints to the typical seminar writing process: we won’t know what the talk is about until an hour before it happens. The objective of this talk is to explore good practice in fast, efficient and effective slide creation and presentation, but it could alternatively be a monumental dumpster fire, which should be entertaining. Either way, you should come to this talk, if not only to justify having biscuits afterwards.
[1] Willow, Taylor Swift, evermore, 2020